Terms and conditions

Any use of this Website requires your acceptance of the following ‘Terms and Conditions’:

  1. Acceptances of Terms

By accessing and using this Website provided by TRANSLATOR, you agree with the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Website immediately. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

  1. Children and Parents Informing

To protect children’s interests, TRANSLATOR does not knowingly collect personal data of from children under the age of 16, without notifying and receiving the consent of a parent or guardian. If necessary, TRANSLATOR will specifically instruct children not to send these data on to our Website.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

All rights of authors, trademarks, and any other rights of intellectual property on all texts, images and other materials on this Website are the property of TRANSLATOR or its affiliates/partners. No material on this Website may be reproduced partially or integrally or changed without TRANSLATOR’s express consent or the rightsholder’s. All rights reserved by TRANSLATOR. It is strictly forbidden to use this Website for its destruction or alteration, or that of its content or security or for discrediting or harassment of TRANSLATOR. TRANSLATOR will put in place all necessary measure for the technical and organizational safety of personal data under its control against any accidental or intentional situation of manipulation, loss, destruction or against the access of unauthorized persons. Translator will also exercise actively its intellectual property rights regarding all aspects protected by law.

  1. Confidentiality

The protection of information during the processing of your personal data is a major concern for TRANSLATOR, and thereby all collected data during visits on our Website are processed in accordance with the legal provisions in force of the country in which the site is hosted, meaning Romania. Our Website may have links to other sites whose content is not under our control, and, thereby, Translator is not responsible under any circumstance for the content of those websites. Translator undertakes not to divulge any information regarding your visits on this Website, unless required by law. TRANSLATOR will not send to third parties your personal data provided on your Website www.translatorsrl.com, according to these ‘Terms and Conditions’.

  1. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

When you visit TRANSLATOR’s Website, the webserver automatically records the name of your internet service provider and your hosting server. Other personal data will be recorded only if you willingly provide them to us, e.g. in case of a recording, a survey, or during the performance of a contract.

  1. Information for Users (Visitors)

As users (visitors), you have the following responsibilities:

  • to provide real data, accurate and complete about yourself, as requested in the form when appropriate
  • to maintain and to renew, when applicable, your recorded data so that it remains real, accurate and complete

Furthermore, you undertake the obligation to avoid doing the following:

  • to publish materials that contain virus or other malwares with the intention of destroying this system, or any system or information
  • to publish copyrighted material that does not belong to you or for which you do not have the author’s permission to publish it
  • to publish obscene, defamatory, threatening, or mean-spirited materials against another user, natural or legal person, materials or information prohibited by the provisions of the law in force
  • to publish an image or an affirmation that goes against the legal norms in force

If these conditions are not respected, TRANSLATOR dissociates itself from the author, will erase that information, and may mount a legal challenge.

  1. Information of Subject Data regarding their rights

All persons who provide our Website, www.translatorsrl.com, with their personal data are guaranteed rights in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, and thereby will be informed about their rights by TRANSLATOR through the publicly announcement made via this system. At the written request of persons whose data are processed or will be processed, signed, and dated, sent at: TRANSLATOR, Mun. Cluj-Napoca, str. Marin Sorescu, nr.1A, ap.2, jud. Cluj, undertakes:

  • to confirm to the requester whether it processes or not, free of charge, his/her personal data for a request per year
  • to rectify, update, block, erase or transform in anonymous data, free of charge, processing data that is not in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of persona data and on the free movement of such data
  • to cease any processing of the subject’s personal data

In addition to the terms and conditions regulated in our Website policy, you understand and agree that TRANSLATOR may collect and storage data on people visiting this Website. You have the right to ask for the erasure of the information related to yourself by contacting us via our website.

  1. Updates to this Privacy Policy

Changes to the current privacy policy that may occur will be published on the webpage without any prior notice.

The ‘Terms and Conditions’ represent, entirely, an agreement closed between you and TRANSLATOR regarding the use of the Website www.translatorsrl.com

TRANSLATOR keeps its right to review and to update these rules at any time, without any prior notification to or agreement from users.

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