Certified translations – certified by the certified translator
Certified translation services
As a translation agency, Translator SRL makes sure that each certified translation is carried out by a translator authorised by the Ministry of Justice and bears their stamp and signature.
Certified translation services provide you with a translation bearing the stamp and signature of a certified translator (the one who carried out the translation).
Certified translations are performed by translators authorised by the Ministry of Justice. In other words, certified translation means that the translation must be signed and stamped by a person who holds the certificate of certified translator issued by the Ministry of Justice, which guarantees that the content and meaning of the text being translated are preserved in the translation.
If you need certified translations that can be presented to any public or private institution, public administration or third party at home or abroad, a translation agency like Translator SRL is the ideal solution.
Certified translation services are generally intended for administrative authorities requesting an official document. Certified translation concerns several types of documents:
- Civil status documents: birth certificates, family record booklets, driver’s licences, identity papers, marriage certificates, certificates of identity;
- Notarial documents: wills, bills of sale, powers of attorney;
- Business documents: articles of association and accounting records, general terms and conditions of sale and purchase, employment contracts;
- Legal documents: criminal records, divorce decrees, judgements.
An Apostille is a stamp or certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Hague Convention signatory State for official documents drawn up in that country which are to be presented on the territory of another signatory State of the Convention.
More precisely, the Apostille is a super-legalisation of an already notarised document in order for that document to be recognised in a Hague Convention signatory State.
An Apostille is required when the origin of an official document needs to be authenticated so that authorities in a country other than the issuing country know that the document is not a fake.

The Apostille may only be issued by the country issuing the original document.
An Apostille can be applied to the original document, a notarised translation or a notarised copy of the following types of documents: birth, marriage and death certificates; documents issued by the personal records services; citizenship/residence documents; legal/tax records; income certificates; educational documents (baccalaureate, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, PhD, postdoctoral diploma); qualification documents for a profession; patents; certificates of competence (translator, for example); medical documents (vaccination, medical certificates).
Any document to which the Apostille has been affixed is automatically recognised and can be used in any other Hague Convention signatory State.